Together for Hope is a rural development coalition servicing the 338 counties of persistent rural poverty in America. We believe assets-based community development is the best first step in fighting poverty in rural space. To that end, we work with communities in order to hear their dreams and begin to take steps toward those visions. Within these communities, Together for Hope holistically fights poverty focusing on four priorities of hope: Education, Health & Nutrition, Housing & Environment, and Social Enterprise.
To Donate by Check
You may give by mailing a check payable to “Together for Hope” to:
Together for Hope
2906 North State St. Suite #300
Jackson, MS 392l6
In order to designate your funds to TFH National or a particular TFH region (i.e. Appalachia, Black Belt, Delta, Native Lands, Rio Grande Valley), please list national, or the region to which you’d like to contribute, on the memo line of the check.