Together for Hope Appalachia welcomes First Baptist Church of Corbin KY Community Missions (White Flag Cold Weather Relief Ministry, the First Baptist Church Food Pantry, and Mustard Seed Community Garden) as a coalition member. During the worship on Sunday, February 27, TFH Appalachia and FBC Corbin signed a Memorandum of Understanding to commemorate the partnership.
The White Flag Cold Weather Relief Ministry provides shelter for the homeless on nights when the weather will drop below 29 degrees. On these nights FBC Corbin, through a partnership with a local hotel, share room vouchers—administered on a first-come, first-served basis—with individuals and/or families who otherwise would be exposed to the cold.
The First Baptist Church Food Pantry has been supplying food to hungry and economically disadvantaged persons in the Corbin community. The food pantry serves approximately 1100 families each year, providing food to approximately 2000 people.
The Mustard Seed Community Garden at First Baptist Church was planted to serve as a resource for educating their community about gardening, healthy eating, creation care, and human-land interconnectedness. Crops from the garden go directly to hungry persons from the Corbin community.
FBC Corbin Community Missions is having a positive impact in their community.
Learn more about these ministries here:
FBC Corbin Community Missions
Pastor, Alex Lockridge Welcomes Guests to White Flag
WYMT feature on White Flag Ministry